April 29 - May 6, 2024 This Week in the Arts

Public events in the School of Art & Design + Performing Arts Division, week of April 29- May 6, 2024. All events are free and open to the public.

May 2, 4:30pm Holmes Auditorium Michael Betancourt Artist in Residence
May 2, 6pm Stull Observatory Cigar Shaped Mothership First Year Sculpture Dimensional Studies graduate student exhibition.
Musical performance by Bleep Broth, collaborative alien duo Modular Moose and landbuoy. There will be face painting and potluck refreshments.
Friday, May 3, 6-8pm Fosdick-Nelson Gallery MFA Thesis Exhibition receptions
Saturday, May 4, 4-8pm Harder Hall, Binns-Merrill Hall, Cohen Center BFA Exhibition Receptions
Candidates for the interdisciplinary BFA degree from the School of Art and Design at the NYS College of Ceramics show their work in a diverse number of mediums & genres including ceramics, painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, video, sonic arts, interactive media, interactive graphic design & drawing.
Monday, May 6, 12pm Gabriel Poucher Ceramic Art Fosdick-Nelson
Monday, May 6, 12:30pm Emma Kaye Ceramic Art Fosdick-Nelson Gallery
through July 25, 2024 Cohen Gallery Rounding the Corner: First Year Graduate Students
through July 30, 2024 Alfred Ceramic Art Museum Bill and Jack and Other Friends